Resources: How can we help?

Our Montessori Life strives to share the peaceful, respectful principles of the Montessori pedagogy with families, schools and communities around the world.

Find us on Pinterest, on Instagram and on Facebook for free Montessori inspiration.

We also provide Montessori counselling to both families and schools. We work with you to find solutions for everything from space design, to the appropriate Montessori materials to offer at every stage of development.

Contact us here regarding in home or online consultation as well as to arrange guest speaking engagements.

22 Replies to “Resources: How can we help?”

  1. Hi my son just turned 3 years old. He is not in school. I am contemplating home schooling him. I love the Montessori philosophy. Do you have a tips on how to bring the Montessori philosophy home.

      1. Hi Beth,

        I am Jessica from Malaysia.
        Would you mind include me in your email for tips starting Montessori at home for preschooler? My girl is turning 3 coming May. We decided to homeschool her for as long as we can 🙂
        My email is
        Thanks in advance

  2. Can you recommend books for my 21 month old son? I know this a fairly broad question but he absolutely LOVES books and being read to.


      1. Thank you so much to introducing us to the Alfie series of books! My son loves them and the pictures, too. We also picked up a copy of Shoes Shoes Shoes by Ann Morris. Keep me posted if you come across any other good reads that you can think of.


  3. Hello

    We have a 1 year old that we have been trying to incorporate Montessori Philosophy with her at home. I try to read a lot on it but still feel inadequate when it comes to creating activities for her. Can you recommend a book I can read as well as activities? And I am interested in your consultation services as well 🙂
    Thank you for your help.

  4. Hello there getting lots of inspiration from your page im just starting out I want to begin with practical life but unsure how to start. I have a 2 year old. I do have a wooden toy kitchen with a small basin included but unsure of how to actually use it for real would be grateful for your input

  5. We have been following your site and social media resources for a few years now. I have some questions about making a space (specifically, our own Ikea kitchen) work with two children in different stages (4.5 years and 8 months). First thought was to move the older into the regular kitchen using a step (she avoids the learning tower because she can’t move it alone), but I’d love to hear what your thoughts are.


  6. Your blog has been such an inspiration for this new mom. I would love to have something easy and compact to reference when it comes to appropriate toys and Montessori materials at each developmental milestone. I have a six month old son. I feel like I’m trying to stay ahead of the game, but it’s hard to know exactly what he NEEDS each step of the way. (i.e. we just bought him a weaning table, but I’m unsure how to introduce it to him.) Would love some consultation on such things. Thank you!

  7. Hello dear.
    Its so nice to see Montessori philosophy in your life. But I am really need help with my daughter she just returned 3 years old and she is a bright girl but I don’t know how to keep her busy all day long. I have 18 months old boy too. So I am so overwhelmed and sad that I just can’t entertain or educate her properly.

  8. I have read a lot about the Montessori philosophy and have worked on implementing it in our home. However, like many others I am interested in what activities to introduce at what ages. I have a 21 month old and 2 month old and would love to better incorporate Montessori learning in our home. Thank you!

  9. Hello,
    I am interested in a consultation. How can I go about setting that up and what is your pricing?
    Lauren Robinson

  10. Hi Beth, I work at a Montessori School in Phoenix, AZ and was wondering if I could get an email from you in hopes to set up a training for us in March. We could use training and awareness in regards to diversity and inclusion! It is something our school is very passionate about.

  11. Hello, I can across your brief blog about your son being a preemie, my daughter was born early at 27 weeks and I was wondering If you had any articles, tips, resources about how to incorporate Montessori early on.
    Can I incorporate from in the NICU? What age did you start?
    We have a lot of Montessori items as we planned to use this method anyway, just was not prepared for her to be so early.

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