About Us

Hi, I’m Beth, a mother of 2 boys and a trained Montessori 0-3 and 3-6 Teacher and 6-12 trained Montessori Assistant. I’m also a Montessori Educational Consultant!

We don’t homeschool, but our home is full of a love of learning. Most importantly, Montessori is not just school for us. It is our life.

In the years since we humbly started this space, Our Montessori Life has grown to consult with families, schools and communities looking to bring authentic Montessori into their lives or looking to expand on their current understanding of Montessori. We’ve done everything from helping set up nurseries to speaking engagements centred around classroom management, child development and toddler behaviour. We are humbled to have have tens of thousands of followers from around the world and we are incredibly grateful to have had a chance to work with and get to know many of them.

This space continues to be what it has always been. A space to share some of my private thoughts and simple home moments that make up our Montessori life.

For a peek into the broader range of my work, follow us on social media.

15 Replies to “About Us”

    1. I think the entire Wood clan is proud, but (speaking for myself) also humbled by the beauty and simplicity of “your Montessori Life”. Much love from Massachusetts.

  1. Hi Beth –
    I am a passionate Montessorian Mama living in Victoria. I am a trained 3-6 directress but totally just self educated in regards to the Infant/Toddler realm. I would love to connect with you and learn from you! My son is now 9 months old.

  2. Beth,

    I couldn’t be happier to have found your blog. I am a semi recently single mother to an almost three year old and a Montessori lifestyle is something that’s always been a desire of mine for my son. Having finally settled from my separation, I’m feeling overwhelmed with how to get started in this change while still balancing the big emotions that come up in my child, all while maintaining a level of consistency for him through his care provider while I am away at work.

    Help. Book suggestions? Tips? Thoughts? Montessori embodies everything I feel is right in parenthood, but it is very brand new.

  3. Hello Beth,
    I just wanted to say thank you for your beautiful words and the way you look at children. Montessori came into our life with the birth of our first boy and I’m everyday fascinated and glad to have made this choice. We follow you from Germany with great pleasure.

    Lots of greetings to you and your family

    1. Hello Elise,
      Thank you very much for leaving a message here.
      We are so humbled by the response from people for our website. Thank you for following along.
      If you have a specific topic you would like us to cover please let us know.

  4. Hello Beth!
    I am Daniela, mom of two (a girl of 5 and a boy almost 2) and I am on instagram as @educatefromtheheart, representing a foundation that is developing an online montessori training for parents and low income childcare centers.
    I am also starting to prepare our home as a Montessori space, and I just wanted to thank you so much for inspiring me!
    I would love to conect with you.


    Miami, Fl.

  5. A Caribbean admirer, please if its possible at this time, am looking for some consulting services. Please contact me

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